Blue Springs Truck Accident Attorneys

Have you been injured in a truck accident that was not your fault? Are you lost as you attempt to navigate this challenging chapter of your life – balancing insurance company correspondence and out-of-pocket expenses, all while trying to heal?

The Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe team is standing by, ready to help you in your time of need. Our team has extensive experience handling truck accident claims and we have won millions in settlements and jury verdicts for truck accident victims.

Here are just a few of the eight-figure awards that we’ve won throughout the years:

  • $40.8 Million Truck Accident Settlement
  • $39 Million Truck Accident Jury Verdict
  • $37.5 Million Truck Accident Jury Verdict

It’s simple to start working with the nation’s leading truck accident lawyers. Contact us for your free, no-obligation Blue Springs truck accident case review and consultation.

Call us toll-free at (877) 816-2600 or book your appointment online today.

Why Is It Important To Find A Blue Springs Truck Accident Attorney Quickly After Your Accident

It’s imperative to contact an experienced Blue Springs truck accident lawyer as soon as you think you have a case. This is because:

  • Time is of the essence in your truck accident case. The quicker you begin legal proceedings after your truck accident, the better. This is because the longer you wait, the more likely your evidence will be lost, misplaced, or difficult to collect. Additionally, insurance companies and opposing legal counsel will likely interpret your delay to mean that your injuries were not as severe as you claim.While five years, as dictated by Missouri’s statute of limitations may seem like a long time, this time will pass quickly after your accident.
  • Experienced truck accident lawyers understand the case law and regulatory issues that impact your case. While you may think that any personal injury lawyer will work for your Blue Springs Truck Accident case, in our experience, that’s not true. Your lawyer’s understanding of the types of issues that affect truck accident cases will set you up for long-term success.
  • Knowledgeable truck accident lawyers know how to deal with common insurance company tactics. Insurers typically want to pay the least money possible on your claim. A worthwhile truck accident lawyer knows how to navigate the strategies they commonly use to devalue your case.
  • Truck accident lawyers typically make it risk-free to start working with them. Truck accident lawyers usually do not require up-front payment to begin work on your case, using what’s known as a contingency fee payment model. That means your initial consultation and all the work done on your case will not cost you anything; the only time you pay a law firm that uses a contingency fee structure is when your lawyer successfully concludes your case.

If you’re hesitating on whether you should contact a Blue Springs truck accident attorney, reach out to our team for a no-obligation case review and consultation.

The Award-Winning Lawyers at Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe Are Ready To Help You

If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe today. We offer free consultations to help you determine whether you have a claim. Contact us at (877) 816-2600 or book your free case review and consultation online today.