Kansas City Red Light Car Accidents

Red light accidents occur when a driver disregards a red traffic signal and enters an intersection unlawfully, often leading to T-bone or side-impact crashes. These violations not only endanger the offending driver but also put other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists at risk. If you were injured in a red light collision, a Kansas City accident lawyer from Dollar, Burns, Becker, and Hershewe can help you secure the compensation that you deserve. Contact us today.

Who Pays for a Red Light Accident in Kansas City?

When you are involved in a car accident in Kansas City, you have the right to file a claim and recover compensation for medical expenses, property repairs, and other damages. However, your legal options will vary depending on where in the city the accident occurred.

Missouri operates under a fault-based system, meaning the driver who ran the red light is generally held liable for the accident and resulting damages. This allows injured parties to pursue compensation directly from the at-fault driver’s insurance company or through a personal injury lawsuit.

In contrast, Kansas follows a no-fault insurance system. Under this system, each driver’s own insurance company initially covers their medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who caused the accident. However, in cases of severe injuries or high medical costs, Kansas law does allow victims to step outside the no-fault system and pursue a claim against the at-fault driver. A car accident lawyer can assess your case and determine which path is right for you.

Common Injuries in Red Light Car Accidents

Red light accidents often result in severe injuries due to the high-speed, unexpected nature of these collisions. The impact can cause significant trauma and may lead to long-lasting or permanent effects.

Some of the most common injuries sustained in red light accidents include:

Speak With An Experienced Kansas City Red Light Car Accident Lawyer Today.

Gathering Evidence for Your Red Light Accident Case

To secure fair compensation after a red light accident, you need strong evidence that proves what happened and the nature and extent of your injuries. There are several steps that you can take to preserve this information:

  • Start by calling the police to the scene immediately. Their official report will provide a crucial foundation for your claim.
  • If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including vehicle positions, traffic signals, and any visible injuries.
  • Gather contact information from witnesses, as their testimonies can be invaluable in establishing fault.
  • Seek medical attention, even if you feel fine. Medical records will document your injuries and link them directly to the accident.
  • Keep a detailed record of all accident-related expenses, including medical bills, lost wages, and property damage costs.

Remember, insurance companies may try to devalue your claim. Avoid giving recorded statements or accepting early settlement offers without consulting an attorney.

Speak with an Attorney About Your Red Light Car Accident

If you have been injured by a driver who ran a red light, you need a lawyer on your side who can advocate for your right to justice and fair compensation. At Dollar, Burns, Becker, and Hershewe, we have a proven track record of successfully handling red light accident cases.

We can help gather crucial evidence, deal with insurance companies, and fight for your rights. Call us at (816) 876-2600 to schedule your free consultation and learn how our Kansas City personal injury lawyers can help.