Fox 4 Story Highlights Abuse at Nursing Home

Kansas City news station, FOX 4, did an incredible, in-depth piece on the abuse and neglect occurring at Garden Valley in the Northland. Our attorney, Rachel Stahle, a local nursing home litigation expert, was interviewed for the piece. In this heartbreaking story, we hear from a former nurse and several family members who outline…

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Rachel Talks COVID CMS report on News

Attorney Rachel Stahle once again frequented local airwaves to discuss a new report from the Department of Human Services on the failures of Riverbend Post Acute Rehabilitation and Brighton Gardens in their handling of the COVID-19 outbreak at their facilities. The State of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction on both facilities are truly eye…

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Rachel Talks Elder Abuse on KCTV

Rachel Stahle appeared on the Kansas City airwaves again. This time on KCTV-5 discussing an elder abuse incident at a local home that was caught on tape. The victim’s family members were concerned about the care their loved one was receiving. They installed a camera inside their loved ones’ room, and what they found…

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Jeff Burns in Vox on Rollback of Truck Regs

Attorney and nationally renowned truck crash expert, Jeff Burns, was recently interviewed for Vox about the federal government’s rollback of several truck safety regulations to help move needed supplies quicker during the coronavirus pandemic. One of the major regulations the government changed was allowing truckers more hours of drive time before resting. Driver fatigue…

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Rachel Quoted in KC Star In-depth COVID story

Attorney Rachel Stahle was tapped once again by local media, this time The Kansas City Star, for an in-depth piece on the failures of Brighton Garden, a senior living facility in Prairie Village, Kansas, in addressing the spread of coronavirus. Their failure to properly protect their staff and residents has thus far lead to…

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