The Cost of Settling

How making a deal now can leave you high and dry later A truck hit your car. After taking the immediate steps to ensure everyone’s safety, you begin the long and thorny process of sorting out the damages. If you’ve ever been hit, you know it can be quite a long journey to fair…

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Trucking Industry Lobbying Within The Transportation Industry

The trucking industry spends millions of dollars each year to influence our government. Unfortunately, road safety and precautionary regulations often mean red tape and low profits for trucking companies. So these companies group and donate large sums of money to influence these regulations and make sure the gavel falls their way. The Kansas City…

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Who’s Driving? The Future of Autonomous Trucks and Road Safety

With the biggest names in the automobile business racing to the finish line, self-driving cars are just over the horizon. Sci-fi movie-caliber technology is just out of reach, and no one is more excited than the trucking industry. Automated trucks have the potential to save trucking companies billions of dollars, and some projections put…

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Dangerous American Highways

I believe that truck crash victims and their families should be guided to justice by someone who understands their situation and truly cares about the outcome. That is why I got into this profession, and that is what drives me every day. However, when I consider the magnitude of the tragedies suffered by so…

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Why Trucks Should Be Required to Have Automatic Emergency Brakes

Automatic Emergency Brakes (AEBs) were first offered by Toyota in 2003. After almost 15 years this technology has leapt forward at amazing rates – from a pipe dream to standard crash prevention. Since 2015 the U.S. Department of Transportation has specifically considered the effectiveness of AEBs in each new car model before awarding five-star…

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