Dollar Named 50 Missourian You Should Know

Founding partner, Tim Dollar, was recently named one of the 50 Missourians You Should Know by Kansas City business magazine, Ingram’s.

This annual list is compromised of people across the state who make Missouri a better place to do business and live. The list includes doctors, farmers, elected officials, and many more.

This is Dollar’s first time making the list. There is no doubt his more than 250 jury trials as well as work with the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office on notable and complicated homicide cases earned him a spot.

When interviewed for the feature, Dollar focused on his goal of ensuring citizens still have a right to a jury trial.

From the article, “Tim Dollar is passionate about the public’s access to jury trials. The partner at law firm Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe, who specializes in negligence cases against the trucking industry, said that there is an increasing problem with consumer contracts that require mandatory arbitration. “They are looking to shield themselves from bad conduct, and they don’t like the idea of exposing that bad conduct to the people who sit on juries,” said Dollar, who insists that the problem is getting worse. Using the trucking industry as an example, he said that seven people die on U.S. interstates every day as a result of trucking firms’ negligence, which is the equivalent to a fatal commercial airline crash every three months, a situation that the American public would not tolerate. Dollar believes those injured, and the families in fatality instances, have a right to a jury trial.”