If the Unthinkable Happens – Time is of the Essence

No one expects you to know the important next steps if you or a loved one has been abused by a nursing home. It’s called the “unthinkable” because none of us thinks this kind of tragedy could happen to us. Nobody is ever prepared for this sort of life-changing event.

That’s why you must seek expert legal counsel as soon as possible after abuse. Immediate investigation and making sure critical evidence is neither disturbed nor destroyed are extremely important, because time-sensitive physical evidence, records from the facility’s database, and any electronic footage or correspondence are often critical components of your case. An attorney can also ease your burden by working directly with police agencies and insurance companies for you.

It doesn’t matter where you’re from or where the abuse happened; we help victims all over the country and can meet with you in person to discuss your situation, and begin assisting you as soon as we are contacted.

Let us be your voice.

The time immediately following the discovery of abuse can be difficult, confusing, and overwhelming. Insurance and legal representatives and police will likely want to question you. Not all victims want to tell their story or relive what happened. Whether it happened to you or a loved one, you’re likely shaken up, traumatized or even in shock. If the victim has been hospitalized, they could be taking medication that impairs their thinking and ability to communicate. It’s not the best time to answer probing questions.

In a serious incident involving a large facility, immediate steps are often taken with the intent of reducing the facility’s liability. Even if you are represented by counsel, you still may be contacted directly. Any calls of that nature should be directed to your attorneys. When they talk to an attorney experienced in neglect and abuse cases, they know right away you won’t accept anything less than fair and just compensation for abuse, which, in addition to monetary damages, also often includes requirements for the facility to incorporate new safety policies, safety audits, background checks, or an overhaul of the company’s abuse prevention protocols.

I’m worried I can’t afford a strong legal team.

You needn’t worry about expense. Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe works on a contingency basis only, which simply means you are not charged for the hours we spend on your case. Instead, we are paid a percentage of the compensation we secure for you.

Our track record in this very specialized field is well-documented. Make sure the legal team you decide to work with is well-qualified to represent you. For a free initial conversation, just give us a call. Our toll-free number is 877-816-2600.

When it matters most, we’re with you all the way.