Our Blog
Understanding the Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obamacare,” was signed into law in 2010. This statute continues to have an effect on healthcare coverage in the United States. Some of the more notable provisions in the act include: • No lifetime or annual limits. •…
The FAST Act’s Safety Implications
In the past month, two items of legislation have been voted on in the House and Senate, directly impacting users of major roadways. Most recently passed was the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which included several of the recommended safety revisions. Also passed were amendments to a bill regarding safety inspections of double…
If the Unthinkable Happens – Time is of the Essence
No one expects you to know the important next steps if you or a loved one has been abused by a nursing home. It’s called the “unthinkable” because none of us thinks this kind of tragedy could happen to us. Nobody is ever prepared for this sort of life-changing event. That’s why you must…
When You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse
More than 3 million elderly Americans currently reside in nursing homes or utilize nursing home services, and this number is expected to grow as the baby boomer generation ages. As the population shifts and expands, we hope to see more attention paid to an issue that affects millions of people: nursing home abuse and…
Take a Proactive Approach to Personalized and Attentive Nursing Home Care
Even though you’ve gone through the process to find the right nursing home for your friend or family member, there’s more you can do to ensure they have the best care possible. This creative approach was recently shared with me by one of my clients. Create a one-page introduction for the resident or future…